New Guidance from Illinois Department of Public Health Opens Door for Elective Surgeries to Resume

April 28, 2020
Health Care Alert

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has issued new guidance allowing hospitals and Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Centers (ASTCs) to resume elective surgeries. Beginning May 11, 2020, elective surgeries can resume when certain criteria regarding outpatient, inpatient, and pediatric procedures have been met.

Outpatient Procedures

According to the IDHP, an outpatient procedure is an elective procedure in which the likely and expected course for the patient undergoing the procedure is that they will enter and leave the facility on the same day that the procedure is to be performed. Outpatient procedures can resume on May 11, 2020 provided that:

Inpatient Procedures

IDHP defines inpatient procedures as an elective procedure in which the patient being considered for that procedure is likely to remain in the hospital for more than 23 hours, beginning from the time of registration and ending at the time of departure. Hospitals can resume inpatient procedures on May 11, 2020 if all the criteria for outpatient procedures has been met and each of the following criteria can be met:

Pediatric Procedures

Defined by the IDHP as elective procedures for pediatric patients—both outpatient and inpatient— pediatric procedures are not subject to the outpatient procedure requirements. They are, however, subject to inpatient procedure requirements.

IDPH has reserved the right to suspend elective procedures if (1) a rapid resurgence or second wave of COVID-19 occurs or (2) if there is a statewide decrease in hospital COVID-19 testing levels.