Thaddeus Harrell Reviews Impact of State Privacy Laws on Workplace Social Media Policies in dp-PRO Magazine

August 26, 2021

Hinshaw attorney Thaddeus Harrell recently authored an article titled "Evolving State Privacy Laws Impact Employer Social Media Policies." Published in the Fall 2021 issue of dp-PRO magazine, the article addresses state privacy laws regulating social media and speech in the workplace. Harrell explains that while public and private employers can in some instances restrict speech-related rights in the workplace, that ability is not absolute. Rather, state (and federal) laws restrict when and how an employer can regulate certain speech, both verbal and online speech. Harrell also reviews considerations for employers to keep in mind when seeking to address employee speech on social media.

Read the full article on the dp-PRO website

"Evolving State Privacy Laws Impact Employer Social Media Policies" was published in the Fall 2021 issue of dp-PRO magazine.

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