Trio of Hinshaw Attorneys to Speak at Leading Age Illinois' 2021 Annual Meeting & Expo

June 22 – 23, 2021
Virtual Event

Hinshaw's Aimee Delaney, David Alfini, and Adam Guetzow will participate in three panel discussions at LeadingAge Illinois' 2021 Annual Meeting & Expo. On June 22, 2021, the trio will give a presentation titled "Proactive Updates –  A Look at Best Practices for Updating Employee Training to Best Prevent Risk." It will focus on how to implement new policies geared towards creating new employee training policies to best reduce risk; how best to implement COVID-19-specific training; and new legal changes that may require employee handbook updates.

On June 23, they will give two presentations. The first, titled, "Litigation in the Post-COVID Setting," will focus on the scope of litigation being brought against skilled and assisted facilities related to their COVID-19 responses; how existing state and federal immunity acts have helped in defending against COVID-19 litigation; and how existing policies and procedures may be used against an organization and how best to minimize that risk.

The second presentation on June 23, titled, "Mental Illness and Related Disabilities in the Senior Living Workplace: Strategies for Legal Compliance," will cover best practices for engaging in the interactive process to determine whether reasonable accommodation is possible; state and federal laws governing disability discrimination; and the parameters for reasonable accommodation as it applies to mental illness in the senior living space.

For more information and to register, visit the Leading Age Illinois website.